Resilience: Transforming Our Community focuses on climate change in the Grey/Bruce region, but applies to all communities, large or small.

Marine scientist Dr. John Anderson explains how climate change will affect us and what we can do about it. The film is designed to inspire action, using facilitated post-screening discussions.

“It’s so hard to know where to start,” says John. “Change our light bulbs? Drive less? Eat less meat? But the trouble is if we act as individuals, it’s just too little. If we wait for governments to act, it will be too late. But if we work together as a community, it might just be in time.”

Our key message is “Let’s just start. What we share is much more important that what appears to divide us.” Visit our GoFundMe campaign for more details.

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“Change happens when people understand the risks they face,” says John Anderson. “If business as usual prevails, our future is going to be very different from what we have known.

The difficult change will be to a system that values the future of our children and the stability of the earth’s ecosystem."

“When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect.”

Aldo Leopold, Ecologist

“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.”

Rachel Carson, Marine Biologist

“Global warming is no longer a philosophical threat, no longer a future threat, no longer a threat at all. It’s our reality.”

Bill McKibben, Environmentalist

The good news is transformation is already underway. Cities and communities around the globe have begun to transition to a more resilient way of living.

This transition is happening both from top down governance and bottom up people-power.

The film will highlight local stories of a more resilient way of living, featuring people’s efforts in the Owen Sound area, like Neighbourwoods North.

WRITTEN BYJohn Anderson and Liz Zetlin
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